In the world of network marketing Amway is the granddaddy of them all, the perfect business for someone who has the gift of the gab and wants to make money with it. Amway was founded in 1959 by two very good friends Richard Devoss and Jay Van Andel with only one product, L.O.C. or Liquid Organic Cleaner. They had both tried the distributorship business before with a product called Nutrilite but were unhappy with the supply end of the market. Their product line grew to include SA8 laundry detergent in 1960 and now encompasses hundreds of products including cosmetics, water purifiers, insurance and even the original Nutrilite nutritional supplements which they bought out in 1994.
The diverse range of products gives the distributor a huge selection to sell to his customers, which is more than many of the other network sales companies' offer. In fact one of Amway's claims to fame is that their products are of the highest quality available and the majority of them are environmentally friendly. In 1989 the United Nations Environmental Program recognized Amway for their efforts to protect the environment.
The basic concept of the Amway system is that each person in the sales team can make a bonus for selling their products as well as being able to buy them at a discount to resell at full retail price. Like most MLMs they also make a bonus for all the sales of people they "recruit" into the business.
It works like this; if the first person, whom we will call Sales A buy $200 worth of product he will get a 3% bonus check from Amway which is $6. Now if Sales A goes out and recruits nine more people who all buy $200 worth of product in one month, they too will get that same $6 check each from Amway. The good part is that now Sales A has moved up a sales level and gets a check for 12% or $240. Of course he is responsible for paying the 6% to all of those in his downline but that still leaves him with a net profit of $186, not bad for someone else's work.
This bonus percentage continues to go up as more people are added to his downlines and as those in the downlines continue to recruit new distributors. This is not an illegal pyramid scheme as the money is not made from charging people to become distributors but from sales of the products themselves.
For an outgoing person who likes to work with people and is motivated to make money the network marketing business is the perfect avenue to making an excellent income.
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Randy Garcia
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