Saturday, July 25, 2009

NUTRILITE-best of of science

- Membekalkan tenaga sepanjang hari
- Baik untuk jantung
- Dapat mengawal gula dalam darah (kencing manis)
- Melancarkan perjalanan darah
- Menyingkir toksid dalam darah
- mengandungi 12 vitamin,9 mineral dan 17 pekatan tumbuhan.
- Kandungan mengandungi 62 tablet multivitamin,62 tablet multimineral dan 62 pekatan tumbuhan(186 tablet)
- Berfungsi sebagai anti-oksida dalam badan

Protein membentuk 20% daripada badan kita.
- Baik untuk pengidap kencing manis
-Baik utk otak,rambut,kulit,otot,kuku dan mata
-Menghilangkan lesu,penat dan pucat
- Mempercepatkan penyembuhan luka,
- Membina hormon dan sel-sel dalam badan
- Baik utk mengurangkan berat badan dan juga baik utk meningkatkan berat badan

Dihasilkan dari ceri aserola dan lemon
- baik utk perokok
- Baik utk kulit,sembuhkan luka,anti oksida
-Baik utk bibir pecah/merekah
- Mengawal kanser
- Dapat menghindar sakit jantung
- Membantu pertumbuhan rambut
-Membaiki daya penglihatan
- Elok utk demam,selsema,asma dan batuk
- Melambatkan proses penuaan
- Pembersih toksid dalam badan

- Baik utk tidur yang lena
- Sistem saraf
- Baik utk denyutan jantung
- Menguatkan tulang,gigi dan gusi
- Baik utk mengawal kekejangan
- Baik utk menghindarkan migrain,gastrik nafas berbau
- Osteoprosis ( kerapuhan tulang)

Mengandungi lecitin dan vitamin E
- Anti oksida
- Dapat memecah lemak dalam badan (baik utk menguruskan badan)
- Menghindarkan keguguran rambut
-Menyembuh lesen terbakar
- elok utk masalah buah pinggang,mata,kencing manis,darah beku,batu karang
- Menjadikan awet muda (rambut dan kulit)

- Baik utk sembelit, cirit birit dan penghadaman
- Membantu menurunkan paras kolestrol dalam darah
- Baik bagi yang menghidap gaout

Sesuai utk pelajar,letih pelupa dan warga emas
- Ginseng siberia- 66.65 mg. Memperbaiki prestasi fizikal dan mental,meningkatkan tentangan ketika suasana tertekan,pemulih keletihan dengan segara dan meningkatkan stamina.
- Gingko biloba 33.35 mg Memberi sokongan peredaran dengan meningkatkan aliran darah dan otak,mata,telinga, dan kakitangan yang boleh memperbaiki rasa yang bertenaga
- Bertindak sebagai pemusnah radikal bebas dngn menyerap kimia perosak sel yang menyebabkan penuaan sebelum masanya iaitu membantu melindungi sel otak dan saraf,membantu menyokong memori,kepekatan dan fungsi keseluruhan otak.

Sakit sendi,lutut,pinggang,letih, kebas dan tenaga
- Mengandungi 11 vitamin penting-A,BI,B2,B6,Asid folik, B12, C,D,E,Niasin, dan asid pantotenik
- Mengandungi 7 mineral penting- kalsium,fosforus,iodin, zat besi,magnesium,kumpum dan zink.
-Memenuhi keperluan metabolisme, tumbesaran pembentukan sel2 darah dan hormon
- Mengandungi pelatan alfalfa,salada air, pasli,bayam,karot dan ceri aserola

- Tekanan,lapar,penat,ulser mulut,mata telinga dan hidung
- Membaiki sistem saraf (nervous system)
- Membaiki sel darah merah
- Membantu daya ingatan
- Mengelakan rambut gugur dan beruban
- permasalahan otot
- Hilang selera makan
-Kelesuan mental

-Membantu dalam mencairkan darah
- Jantung
- Membina membran sel
- Sistem imun
- Buah pinggang, hati, paru2, otak dan kulit


- Menghindarkan penyakit darah tinggi
- Mengurangkan kolestrol
- Mengelakan darah beku, angin ahmar(stroke)
- Mencegah kanser
- menghindarkan resdung
- membuang angin dalam badan
- Menurunkan tahap gula dalam darah (kencing manis)
- Membantu peredaran oksigen dalam badan


Jantung, hati, otak dan buah pinggang
- Coenzyme Q10 utk menghasilakn tenaga yang diperlukan oleh jantung
-Pekatan paling tinggi ditemui dalam jantung anda
- Q10 menyokong kesihatan jantung,bertindak sebagai antioksidan utk menentang radikal bebas yang boleh menyebabkan kerosakan selular.
- Membantu dalam melambatkan proses penuaan

- Digunakan secara tradisional utk lelaki bagi mengagalakkan kesihatan prostat yang normal
-Formula yang mengandungi campuran estrak saw palmetto,akar nettle dan minyak biji labu
- Saw palmetto dan minyak biji labu menyokong fungsi prostat.Akar nettle menyokong aliran air kencing.
- Tiada perasa dan pewarna tiruan atau bahan pengawet yang ditambah
-Mengandungi 90 gel lembut

- Ibu yang mengadung
- Kurangkan darah (pucat)
- Kecergasan otak
- Hilangkan penat (Pembawa oksigen ke otak) pelajar2
- Membantu mengelakkan sakit jantung
- Mengandungi banyak zat besi
- Kurang selera makan

- Daily,Fibre,lecitin E, Bio C plus,protein ,EPO

-Double X, Saw palmetto, Bio c plus, B Complex

- Daily, garlic, Lecitin E, Bio C Plus

- Double X, Daily, B complex, Bio c plus, Beta carotena,Protein

- Protein,garlic,calcium,B complex, Daily

KESUBURAN (Mendapat zuriat)
-Double X, protein B complex,Lecitin E, Fibre,maduka honey,Bio C plus

-Daily,protein,bio c plus,fibre ,lecitin e,beta carotena

- Protein,carlic& licorice,Fibre,Lecitin E,B-complex, double X, bio c plus

-Protein,calcium magnesium,lecetin e.b complex,bio c plus


Amway Corporation

Rich De Vos and Jay Van Andel established a new way to conduct business over 40 years ago. Today it is still the answer for many families. There are products available through the consultants of this company to meet almost every requirement to care for your home, car, or family. There are over 450 exclusive products available that have a great following. This corporation has been distributing products to thousands of American homes.

The home office is located in Michigan. The entire process is geared toward teaching people how to be successful in the business venture of selling these products. Not limited to the USA, this corporation's business operations are available around the globe. There are operations in over 80 countries where products are developed to meet the needs of these customers.

Being a consultant can be flexible and tailored around your family and employment while you are free to develop an extra income. The plans for business development can easily adapt to your goals and dreams for your future. This corporation offers the personal support and assistance required as you become an Independent Agent.

Amways headquarters is over a mile long and houses a state of the art research center. Over 300 research scientists, product development teams and global business support personnel call this huge facility home. Amway has become one of the biggest companies in the world. The company operates in over 80 countries around the world, they have a wide range of products to meet the regulations and preferences of many cultures.

If you are inquiring about the business opportunity, it is legitimate but is still Multi-level Marketing. This is where you begin marketing the product to family and friends, then off to home and hotel presentations, seminars and more. Many believe that this way of doing business is becoming outdated.

By Adam Zierer

Network Marketing - Amway, Selling Soap For Dollars

In the world of network marketing Amway is the granddaddy of them all, the perfect business for someone who has the gift of the gab and wants to make money with it. Amway was founded in 1959 by two very good friends Richard Devoss and Jay Van Andel with only one product, L.O.C. or Liquid Organic Cleaner. They had both tried the distributorship business before with a product called Nutrilite but were unhappy with the supply end of the market. Their product line grew to include SA8 laundry detergent in 1960 and now encompasses hundreds of products including cosmetics, water purifiers, insurance and even the original Nutrilite nutritional supplements which they bought out in 1994.

The diverse range of products gives the distributor a huge selection to sell to his customers, which is more than many of the other network sales companies' offer. In fact one of Amway's claims to fame is that their products are of the highest quality available and the majority of them are environmentally friendly. In 1989 the United Nations Environmental Program recognized Amway for their efforts to protect the environment.

The basic concept of the Amway system is that each person in the sales team can make a bonus for selling their products as well as being able to buy them at a discount to resell at full retail price. Like most MLMs they also make a bonus for all the sales of people they "recruit" into the business.

It works like this; if the first person, whom we will call Sales A buy $200 worth of product he will get a 3% bonus check from Amway which is $6. Now if Sales A goes out and recruits nine more people who all buy $200 worth of product in one month, they too will get that same $6 check each from Amway. The good part is that now Sales A has moved up a sales level and gets a check for 12% or $240. Of course he is responsible for paying the 6% to all of those in his downline but that still leaves him with a net profit of $186, not bad for someone else's work.

This bonus percentage continues to go up as more people are added to his downlines and as those in the downlines continue to recruit new distributors. This is not an illegal pyramid scheme as the money is not made from charging people to become distributors but from sales of the products themselves.

For an outgoing person who likes to work with people and is motivated to make money the network marketing business is the perfect avenue to making an excellent income.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.

By Christopher John Sharpe